The Cost of Love: Idol’s Alleged Mistreatment Revealed by Ex

The Cost of Love: Idol's Alleged Mistreatment Revealed by Ex

In a recent teaser for the KBS Joy show, Unpredictable Fortunetellers, a guest is causing quite a stir by shedding light on the mistreatment she endured from her former partner.

The guest shared her story, recounting how she met her ex-boyfriend through a blind date app and maintained a relationship for three years. The bombshell dropped when she revealed that her ex-boyfriend was none other than “idol singer XX.”

According to the alleged ex-girlfriend, she poured millions of won into supporting him during his idol training period and even signed a contract to keep their relationship under wraps. Furthermore, she disclosed that she is now singlehandedly raising six dogs after he abruptly ended their relationship.

Social media has been abuzz with speculations regarding the identity of the idol in question, with comments such as “It’s probably an idol who’s not very famous,” “I think fans will figure it out,” and more.

In this article, we will delve into the details of this startling revelation and how it is impacting the fan community and the entertainment industry at large. Join us as we uncover more about this intriguing episode of Unpredictable Fortunetellers and its reverberations.

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