Han Seo Hee Counters Accusations: Debunking the Alleged KakaoTalk Leak with Ahn Hyo Seop

Han Seo Hee Counters Accusations: Debunking the Alleged KakaoTalk Leak with Ahn Hyo Seop

Amidst controversy, former trainee and public figure Han Seo Hee vehemently denies being the source behind the alleged leak of a KakaoTalk conversation with actor Ahn Hyo Seop.

Han Seo Hee Counters Accusations: Debunking the Alleged KakaoTalk Leak with Ahn Hyo Seop

Dismissing Accusations

Han Seo Hee strongly refuted the accusations, stating that the conversation in question was entirely fabricated. Surprisingly, she promptly made her recently created social media account private.

Preparing to Unveil the Truth

Leaving followers in suspense, Han Seo Hee conveyed a message assuring that she will make the truth public soon, urging patience from her audience and requesting a temporary halt to follow requests.

The Stir of the Conversation

Just a day ago, an intimate KakaoTalk conversation rumored to involve Han Seo Hee and Ahn Hyo Seop stirred various online communities. Allegedly, Han Seo Hee invited Ahn Hyo Seop to a hotel for an overnight stay.

After the conversation went viral, some netizens speculated that Han Seo Hee leaked the conversation. However, she clarified that the KakaoTalk conversation was entirely fabricated.

Background on Han Seo Hee

It’s worth noting that Han Seo Hee was sentenced to three years in prison with a four-year probation in 2016 for charges related to marijuana use. During the probation period, in June 2020, she received a sentence of one year and six months for taking Philopon. Despite appealing to the Supreme Court, her appeal was rejected in the third trial, resulting in a final six-month prison sentence. Having served her sentence, Han Seo Hee was released in November of the previous year.

Korean Netizen Reactions

Korean netizens commented, “If it was fabricated, Ahn Hyo Seop would be suing by now but he’s quiet,” “It’s unfortunate that she lives such a low life despite having such pretty looks,” “Someone was saying Han Seo Hee leaked the conversation because Ahn Hyo Seop didn’t show up to the hotel when she asked him to come,” and “She keeps appearing on the news but it’s only for negative news.”

This episode adds another layer to Han Seo Hee’s public life, as she remains under the public eye not only for her past but also for the current controversies surrounding her.

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